Couve health chiropractic & physiotherapy

Couve health chiropractic & physiotherapy



Couve Health Services

How Physiotherapy Supports Healthy Aging

Is 80 the new 60? According to Olivia I. Okereke, M.D., associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, “Not only has life span increased on average, but also healthspan has increased.” Per the new Lieberman study -Because we evolved to be active throughout our lives, our bodies need physical activity to age well.

Our bodies are built to move but as we get older due to demands on our time with family and work, exercise can take a back burner. But to live the fullest life possible exercise is important. If you have the desire to get back into an exercise program but perhaps you are dealing with an existing injury or your range of motion is not what it used to be then a Physiotherapist can help. They are the ideal health professional to assess your current health status and get you moving forward with the right exercise program to support a goal of staying healthy and remaining independent.

January 28, 2022
Proper Mechanics at Work

Tips On Proper Mechanics At Work

Biomechanics is defined as of the study of mechanical loads applied to the movement and/or structure of the body. Mechanically, our bodies tend to respond to two things primary, load and stress over time. This is means that the longer we maintain certain positions and how much we are carrying when doing so dictates more than anything else the extent to which or if we get injured at work.

This means, that contrary to popular beliefs mechanical dysfunctions in the body can occur just as often in desk jobs as in heavy manual labor careers.

Incorrectly performing repetitive motions can be the primary cause of negative effects if we are not mindful how we are doing them. Improper lifting techniques can at worst case cause joint, muscle and even disc injuries. Here are some quick tips for proper body mechanics and lifting:

November 23, 2021

Sleep Position and Its Effects On 3 Common Musculoskeletal Diagnosis

It is common for muscle aches and pains to frequently surface at night. As sleep comprises one-third of our lives, this correlation should deserve significant attention. When you sleep is typically also when you heal. Why not give tissue the best chance to recover during sleep?

Sleep posture may impede blood flow, directly compress soft tissues, or stretch injured structures, all of which can affect the inflammatory process. Unfortunately, some sleep positions negatively affect the healing process, resulting in delayed healing, poor sleep, and prolonged musculoskeletal symptoms.

November 23, 2021
Mind Body Practices

Mind Body Practices

For many of us, the uncertainty around the coronavirus is the hardest thing to handle. It is still unclear of the overall impact of how bad things can get and because of this it can be all too easy to catastrophize and spiral into a constant state of anxiety.

However, there are certain things we can all do at home in the midst of this unique crisis to help manage our anxiety and fears.

Mind-body practices include a variety of relaxation techniques to reduce tension and promote health in various ways. The following provides a synopsis of the 3 most common relaxation techniques that can be done at home to help ease some of the coronavirus anxiety.

November 23, 2021
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